Labneh is a typical fresh cheese of the Eastern Mediterranean cuisine. It can be found in Lebanese, Syrian, Palestinian, Greek and Turkish cuisine. In addition to labneh, it has many other names such as lebneh or lebni. It is a dish that is part of the Lebanese mezze, a meal composed of a multitude of small dishes.
Labne comes in many forms: from liquid yoghurt, to a grainy paste, to balls of cheese preserved in olive oil... These balls can even be coated with dried herbs, spices or seeds. This diversity of shapes comes from the way labne is made: it is a yoghurt that is drained for varying lengths of time... The longer it is left to drain, the more the yoghurt will become a dry cheese that can be rolled into a ball. This Lebanese recipe is traditionally made with ewe's milk yogurt but nowadays you can find versions with cow's milk.
Labne is really a very easy to make and delicious fresh cheese! It is so fresh that in summer it goes perfectly well! A few slices of cucumber, a little tomato. The principle of labne is simple: you have to get rid of the whey from the yogurt! You put the yogurt in a cheesecloth (or gauze) and let it drain until you have the desired texture. It will take you 5 minutes of preparation the night before, and you can eat it for breakfast the next morning!
The labne is generally consumed in salted, but nothing prevents you from diverting it in sweetened with honey and pistachios...
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